In the process of constructing a particular research design, the researcher is encouraged to chronicle the discovery of artifacts. These artifacts are the events, moments, places, people, objects, books, memories, and stories of special significance, that serve as signposts to lead the researcher as well as the audience towards a desired goal. One such artifact is a piece of paper that has been taped to my studio wall since 1996. I was an invited guest on a tour bus heading for a mystery destination to surprise a friend for her birthday. Seated next to me was a young man who I knew very well. He was a musician with his own rock band. Our conversation turned towards the personal matter of how to please God with our respective art forms. His was music and mine was fine art. We both agreed the answer was not exclusively in the subject or object of our particular artform. It was neither lyrics nor the visual. The answer was in the pleasure we received by using the artform itself. What this young man said next, became an imprint fixed in my mind and on my studio wall ever since.
“When you thoroughly enjoy the creative process in your expression through art, you experience the pleasure of God.” Later, from the book
Our Father Abraham, I added these words by Marvin Wilson.
“To enjoy is an opportunity to bring pleasure to one’s Creator.” As an artifact, these words, taped to my studio wall, have been a clear signpost to the ultimate goal of excellence in all that I do as artist, researcher, husband, father, grandfather,
et al, and that is to do it all for the glory of God.
“Luminata XX,” by Gerrit Verstraete. 2006. Cat.No.807. Gold point, silver ring, graphite on mixed-media ground on paper, mounted on hardboard, with acrylic glaze, tints and metal powder (27 ½ X 18 ½ / 70 X 47 cm ).
I'm so glad I found this. I needed it just now.Art is such a solitary activity.Thank you for the generosity of sharing your journey.