Thursday, January 31, 2013

Evidence of Beauty

Even though this evidence has been presented before, it has been more subtle than self-evident. Since beginning my research in 2009, for my Master’s degree and from there towards a Doctoral degree, I have prefaced every essay, every paper, and every project and thesis, with a visual artifact from my personal artwork collection of drawings and paintings. No explanation for the artifact was given in the said essay or paper except for perhaps a brief reference if such were required. Nevertheless the purpose of these artifacts has been to demonstrate the power of art to draw attention to an idea, or in my case, to draw attention to the subject of the writing at hand, and to offer an aesthetic experience. In this manner, I set out to demonstrate the use of visual language as integral to my long term goal, that is, the inquiry into the experience of spiritual ministry at the intersection of art, critical thought, and the kingdom of God. In every case, people have validated the utility and acceptance of my unique, unifying and comprehensive approach with which I have drawn attention to the writing submitted.

“The Evidence of Beauty,” The Silverpoint Metaphor by Gerrit Verstraete. Generative Works, Luminata Series, 2003. Luminata No. 1. Cat.No.337. 33 X 21. Silverpoint & graphite on mixed media paper with silver enamel spray.

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